Christine Meyer


Christine earned her B.A. in Sociology from St. Olaf College in 1997 and over the next decade worked in Email Marketing Sales. After leaving her career when her second daughter was 6 months old, Christine became an at-home mom and also joined her then-husband’s home renovation business, managing the books. Christine previously served on the Board of Minnesota Families for Midwifery for over 5 years, last holding the position of President. In January 2014, after a series of meaningful events, Christine created and began facilitating Motherless Mothers Workshops and hosting monthly gatherings for motherless mothers through a local yoga studio. In March of 2017, after another series of meaningful events, she was moved to launch She Climbs Mountains. Most recently, Christine is proud to announce programming for girls ages 8-18, Girls Rise Up.

In 1990, when Christine was 15 years old, her mother Loralee died after a 3 ½ year battle with ovarian cancer.  Loralee, who inspired many with her strength and determination, was a loving, kind, and generous spirit and always challenged Christine to ask questions and to communicate with others in order to grow as an individual and in relationships. Her mother continues to inspire Christine on a daily basis. Christine maintains that the loss of her mother, the death of her father in 2011, and the birth of her 4 children have solidified her belief that the most important aspect of this life is relationships with one another. Christine also believes that the loss of a parent, especially a mother, continues to reveal itself during a person’s lifetime. Christine has over 10 years of experience facilitating, curriculum and program development and implementation, event planning, community building, and loving on women and girls who have experienced mother loss. Christine has a passion for collaboration and recently began facilitating with and for Author Hope Edelman and her motherless daughters community. Through She Climbs Mountains and Girls Rise Up, she aspires to connect with women and girls who have experienced mother loss in order to bring the promise of joy and gratitude to motherless daughters moving through grief.
